Friday 4 January 2013

Note to myself

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Jumaat..

The final exam is just around the corner...
Less than 3 days the first exam paper will begin...
And yet, am still prepare for all those papers...

The readiness upon the exam is still on the go...
Still looking for the SPIRIT to boost up...
And then, ahaaa the laziness is still there...
I need a wake up call from myself to still be patient to go through...
Saying hello to my spirit to wake up from dreaming and live the reality...

Note to myself :

"Dear Afiqah...the reason why I wrote this letter to you because I would like raise up your spirit...
Your exam is just around the corner and now its time for you to run very fast....
And don't ever look back for what has happened...
Just take it as lessons in your life and never did the same mistakes again..
Its all depend on you...
Its your life, its your future and most significant the destiny decided by Allah but as long as you put efforts, make some sacrifice, and pray harder to Him because everything in this world belongs to Him..
SO, open your eyes and realize the responsibility that you hold up to..
Lastly, do not ever forget to ask your parents blessing and also pray to The Almighty...
Allah will here our dua's...insyaAllah, everything will be fine...
SMILE.... :)

p/s: Never give up on the best and be among the best...

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