Sunday 24 April 2011


Whoa...every semester, there will be final examination...little bit scary lah...

Mestilah scary coz saya tak study sangat pun...HIHIHIHI

Kalau org tu study, for sure, he or she will not worried about the exam...

Mcm nilah, bler dah dtg je STUDY WEEK...dpt lah lihat panorama dimana lampu2 di kebanyakan bilik tak ditutup...terbuka sahaja!! :D (bazir elektrik je)

Hari Sabtu (23/04/2011) yg lalu, telah berlangsung paper CTU.....waaaaaa

Ramai student kata they could not perform untuk part obejektif...
SENANG GILAKKKK sbb soalan dia sangat mengelirukan.....

Ape2 pun, benda dah berlaku, 
NOW, its time to focus for the next 4 paper....waaaaaa

Lepaih tu, ape lagi, kemas2 lah beg, then pulang ke RUMAH..
yeyeyeye....boleh rehat puas2...tidur puas2 (krohkrohkroh)....
sukaaaaa sgt2..tak sabor... :D

(the student's LIFE)

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