Saturday 15 October 2011

Perlu ke jadi dewasa.? Ahh, takmau la


Now its already 1.02 AM and I haven't sleep yet...
I just feel something that disturb my mind..
Really bothering me at the moment where people are sleeping..

Yet, I haven't make up my mind about my future..
It is just around the corner and I have less than 1 month to decide..
Its hard..really hard where I hope the decision that I will make is not influenced by feeling..
Yeah, it is really hard to make decision in our life as I think Im gettin' bigger and more older..
Okay, I lied, Im juz 19 y/o...

But, this is the price that everybody has to go through in the life..
As we gettin' older, we have to make our own decision which will affect our future...

*psss, I feel like I want to be a baby girl back...
Don't have to bother anybody...
Don't have to think...
Don't have to make decision..
Just need to open out the mouth and eat...lalalala it was a great feeling..
But, stop dreamin la...
Im 19 and just a few month away, I will be 20...
Ohh goshh...Im gettin older and need to be matured in all aspects..

Takmau la jadi adult ni...
Nak jadi kanak-kanak ribena takbule ke?

p/s: The age gettin older and older...which I hope I could change the bad attitudes that I have.. ^_^

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